CORE-V Hardware Loop feature
To increase the efficiency of small loops, CV32E40P supports hardware
loops (HWLoop). They can be enabled by setting the COREV_PULP
Hardware loops make executing a piece of code
multiple times possible, without the overhead of branches penalty or updating a counter.
Hardware loops involve zero stall cycles for jumping to the first
instruction of a loop.
A hardware loop is defined by its start address (pointing to the first instruction in the loop), its end address (pointing to the instruction just after the last one executed by the loop) and a counter that is decremented every time the last instruction of the loop body is executed.
CV32E40P contains two hardware loop register sets to support nested hardware loops, each of them can store these three values in separate flip flops which are mapped in the CSR address space. Loop number 0 has higher priority than loop number 1 in a nested loop configuration, meaning that loop 0 represents the inner loop and loop 1 is the outer loop.
Hardware Loop constraints
Following constraints must be respected by any toolchain compiler or by hand-written assembly code.
Violation of these constraints will not generate any hardware exception
and behaviour is undefined.
In order to catch as early as possible those software exceptions when executing a program either
on a verification Reference Model or on a virtual platform Instruction Set Simulator, those model/simulation platforms
must generate a fatal error
with a meaningfull message related to Hardware Loops constraints violation.
The HWLoop constraints are:
HWLoop start, end and setup instructions addresses must be 32-bit aligned (short or long commands).
Start and End addresses of an HWLoop body must be 32-bit aligned.
End Address must be strictly greater than Start Address.
End address of an HWLoop must point to the instruction just after the last one of the HWLoop body.
HWLoop body must contain at least 3 instructions.
When both loops are nested, the End address of the outermost HWLoop (must be #1) must be at least 2 instructions further than the End address of the innermost HWLoop (must be #0), i.e. HWLoop[1].endaddress >= HWLoop[0].endaddress + 8.
HWLoop must always be entered from its start location (no branch/jump to a location inside a HWLoop body).
No HWLoop #0 (resp. #1) CSR should be modified inside the HWLoop #0 (resp. #1) body.
No Compressed instructions (RVC) allowed in the HWLoop body.
No jump or branch instructions allowed in the HWLoop body.
No memory ordering instructions (fence, fence.i) allowed in the HWLoop body.
No privileged instructions (mret, dret, ecall, wfi) allowed in the HWLoop body, except for ebreak.
The rationale of NOT generating any hardware exception when violating any of those constraints is that it would add resources (32-bit adders and substractors needed for the third and fourth rules) which are costly in area and power consumption. These additional (and costly) resources would be present just to catch situations that should never happen. This in an architectural choice in order to keep CV32E40P area and power consumption to its lowest level.
The rationale of putting the end-of-loop label to the first instruction after the last one of the loop body is that it greatly simplifies compiler optimization (relative to basic blocks management).
In order to use hardware loops, the compiler needs to setup the loops beforehand with cv.start/i, cv.end/i, cv.count/i or cv.setup/i instructions. The compiler will use HWLoop automatically whenever possible without the need of assembly.
For debugging and context switches, the hardware loop registers are mapped into the CSR custom read-only address space. To read them csrr instructions should be used and to write them register flavour of hardware loop instructions should be used. Using csrw instructions to write hardware loop registers will generate an illegal instruction exception.
Since hardware loop feature could be used in interrupt routine/handler, the registers have to be saved (resp. restored) at the beginning (resp. end) of the interrupt routine together with the general purpose registers. The CSR HWLoop registers are described in the Control and Status Registers section.
Below an assembly code example of a nested HWLoop that computes a matrix addition.
1asm volatile (
2 "add %[i],x0, x0;"
3 "add %[j],x0, x0;"
4 "cv.count 1, %[N];"
5 ".balign 4;"
6 "cv.endi 1, endO;"
7 "cv.starti 1, startO;"
8 "any instructions here"
9 ".balign 4;"
10 "cv.endi 0, endZ;"
11 "cv.starti 0, startZ;"
12 "any instructions here"
13 ".balign 4;"
14 ".option norvc;"
15 "startO:;"
16 " cv.count 0, %[N];"
17 " startZ:;"
18 " addi %[i], %[i], 1;"
19 " addi %[i], %[i], 1;"
20 " addi %[i], %[i], 1;"
21 " endZ:;"
22 " addi %[j], %[j], 2;"
23 " addi %[j], %[j], 2;"
24 "endO:;"
25 : [i] "+r" (i), [j] "+r" (j)
26 : [N] "r" (10)
At the beginning of the HWLoop, the registers %[i] and %[j] are 0. The innermost loop, from startZ to (endZ - 4), adds to %[i] three times 1 and it is executed 10x10 times. Whereas the outermost loop, from startO to (endO - 4), executes 10 times the innermost loop and adds two times 2 to the register %[j]. At the end of the loop, the register %[i] contains 300 and the register %[j] contains 40.