Atomic instructions

CV32E40X supports exclusive transactions and atomic transactions if A_EXT = 1.

Load-Reserved/Store-Conditional Instructions

The lr.w and sc.w instructions are supported if A_EXT = 1. These instructions perform exclusive transactions via the data OBI interface (i.e. data_atop_o[5] = 1). The data_atop_o signal will indicate the type of exclusive transaction as specified in [OPENHW-OBI].

The definition of the related reservation set as well as registering or invalidating a reservation is outside the scope of CV32E40X.

Exclusive transaction success of lr.w and sc.w instructions is signaled with data_err_i = 0 and data_exokay_i = 1. Exclusive transaction failure of lr.w and sc.w instructions is signaled with data_err_i = 0 and data_exokay_i = 0. Bus errors for lr.w and sc.w instructions are signaled with data_err_i = 1 and data_exokay_i = 0.

If a sc.w succeeds CV32E40X writes 0 rd. If a sc.w fails CV32E40X writes a nonzero value (1) to rd. CV32E40X ignores the data_exokay_i signal for lr.w instructions and will therefore not detect the failure of lr.w instructions. If a lr.w fails because it is attempted on a region without support for exclusive transactions, then a following sc.w will fail as well. The PMA’s atomic attribute can be used to detect attempts to perform any type of atomic transaction (including lr.w and sc.w) on regions not supporting atomic transactions.

Atomic Memory Operations

The amoswap.w, amoadd.w, amoand.w, amoor.w, amoxor.w, amomax[u].w and amomin[u].w instructions are supported if A_EXT = 1. These instructions perform atomic memory operations (AMOs).

Atomic memory operation (AMO) instructions perform read-modify-write operations for multiprocessor synchronization. They atomically load a data value from the address in rs1, place the value into register rd, apply a binary operator to the loaded value and the original value in rs2, then store the result back to the address in rs1.

CV32E40X does however not provide a full implementation of these instructions as it is assumed that CV32E40X is used in combination with an external adapter that transforms the related OBI transactions into the required read-modify-write sequences.

CV32E40X will use the data OBI interface as follows for AMOs:

  • data_addr_o is used to signal the address in rs1.

  • data_atop_o is used to signal the AMO as specified in [OPENHW-OBI].

  • data_wdata_o is used to signal the original value in rs2.

  • data_we_o will be 1.

  • data_rdata_i is used to receive the value that is then placed into register rd.

The environment of CV32E40X is expected to do the following for AMOs:

  • Atomically load a data value from the address data_addr_o, return it on data_rdata_i (even though data_we_o = 1 for this transaction), apply a binary operator as specified via data_atop_o to the loaded value and data_wdata_o and write the result to address data_addr_o.

The timing and validity of the data_rdata_i and data_wdata_o signals are the same as for non-AMOs.