Co-simulation System


A co-simulation system is provided that can run in either the Ibex UVM DV environment or with Simple System. This system runs a RISC-V ISS (currently only Spike is supported) in lockstep with an Ibex core. All instructions executed by Ibex and memory transactions generated are checked against the behaviour of the ISS. This system supports memory errors, interrupt and debug requests which are observed in the RTL simulation and forwarded to the ISS so the ISS and RTL remain in sync. The system uses a generic interface to allow support of multiple ISSes. Only VCS is supported as a simulator, though no VCS specific functionality is required so adding support for another simulator should be straight-forward.

To run the co-simulation system, a particular version of Spike is required (see the Setup and Usage section, below).

The RISC-V Formal Interface (RVFI) is used to provide information about retired instructions and instructions that produce synchronous traps for checking. The RVFI has been extended to provide interrupt and debug information and the value of the mcycle CSR. These extended signals have the prefix rvfi_ext

The co-simulation system is EXPERIMENTAL. It is disabled by default in the UVM DV environment currently, however it is intended to become the primary checking method for the UVM testbench.

Setup and Usage

Clone the lowRISC fork of Spike and check out the ibex-cosim-v0.1 tag. Other, later, versions called ibex-cosim-v* may also work but there’s no guarantee of backwards compatibility. Follow the Spike build instructions to build and install Spike. The build will install multiple header files and libraries, it is recommended a custom install location (using --prefix=<path> with configure) is used to avoid cluttering system directories. The --enable-commitlog and --enable-misaligned options must be passed to configure.

Once built, the CVE2_COSIM_ISS_ROOT environment variable must be set to the Spike root install directory (as given by --prefix=<path> to configure) in order to build either the UVM DV environment or Simple System with co-simulation support.

To build/run the UVM DV environment with the co-simulator add the COSIM=1 argument to the make command. To build Simple System with the co-simulator build the lowrisc:cve2:cve2_simple_system_cosim core.

Quick Build and Run Instructions

Build and install the co-simulator

# Get the Ibex co-simulation spike branch
git clone -b cve2_cosim riscv-isa-sim-cosim

# Setup build directory
cd riscv-isa-sim-cosim
mkdir build
cd build

# Configure and build spike
../configure --enable-commitlog --enable-misaligned --prefix=/opt/spike-cosim
sudo make -j8 install

# Setup CVE2_COSIM_ISS_ROOT so build flow can find the co-simulator
export CVE2_COSIM_ISS_ROOT=/opt/spike-cosim

Run the UVM DV regression with co-simulation enabled

# Run regression with co-simulation enabled
cd <cve2_area>/dv/uvm/core_cve2
make COSIM=1

Build and run Simple System with the co-simulation enabled

# Build simulator
fusesoc --cores-root=. run --target=sim --setup --build lowrisc:cve2:cve2_simple_system_cosim --RV32E=0 --RV32M=cve2_pkg::RV32MFast

# Build coremark test binary, with performance counter dump disabled. The
# co-simulator system doesn't produce matching performance counters in spike so
# any read of those CSRs results in a mismatch and a failure.
make -C ./examples/sw/benchmarks/coremark SUPPRESS_PCOUNT_DUMP=1

# Spike's needs to be accessible so add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/spike-cosim/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# Run coremark binary with co-simulation checking
build/lowrisc_cve2_cve2_simple_system_cosim_0/sim-verilator/Vcve2_simple_system --meminit=ram,examples/sw/benchmarks/coremark/coremark.elf

Co-simulation details

The co-simulation system uses DPI calls to link the DV and ISS sides together. A C++ interface is defined in dv/cosim/cosim.h with a DPI wrapper provided by dv/cosim/ and dv/cosim/cosim_dpi.h. A chandle, which points to some class instance that implements the interface, must be provided by the DV environment. All the co-simulation DPI calls take this chandle as a first argument.

The details below discuss the C++ interface. The DPI version of the interface is almost identical, with all functions prefaced with riscv_cosim and taking a chandle of the co-simulation instance to use.

The core function of the co-simulation interface is the step function:

virtual bool step(uint32_t write_reg, uint32_t write_reg_data, uint32_t pc, bool sync_trap);

step takes arguments giving the PC of the most recently retired or synchronously trapping instruction in the DUT along with details of any register write that occurred.

Where step is provided with a retired (successfully executed) instruction it steps the ISS by one instruction and checks it executed the same instruction, with the same register write result, as the DUT.

When step is provided with an instruction that produces a synchronous trap, it checks the ISS also traps on the same instruction but does not step to the next executed instruction. That instruction will be the first instruction of the trap handler and will be checked/stepped by the next call to step when it retires from the DUT.

Any data memory accesses that the ISS produces during the step are checked against observed DUT memory accesses.

step returns false if any checks have failed. If any errors occur during the step they can be accessed via get_errors which returns a vector of error messages. For the DPI interface errors are accessed using riscv_cosim_get_num_errors and riscv_cosim_get_error. When errors have been checked they can be cleared with clear_errors.

Trap Handling

Traps are separated into two categories, synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous traps are caused by a particular instruction’s execution (e.g. an illegal instruction). Asynchronous traps are caused by external interrupts. Note that in Ibex error responses to both loads and store produce a synchronous trap so the co-simulation system has the same behaviour.

A synchronous trap is associated with a particular instruction and prevents that instruction from completing its execution. That instruction doesn’t retire, but is still made visible on the RVFI. The rvfi_trap signal is asserted for an instruction that causes a synchronous trap. As described above step should be called for any instruction that causes a synchronous trap to check the trap is also seen by the ISS.

An asynchronous trap can be seen as occurring between instructions and as such doesn’t have an associated instruction, nothing will be seen on RVFI with rvfi_trap set. The co-simulation system will immediately take any pending asynchronous trap when step is called, expecting the instruction checked with step to be the first instruction of the trap handler.

While a debug request is not strictly an asynchronous trap (it doesn’t use the same exception handling mechanism), they work identically to asynchronous traps for the co-simulation system. When a debug request is pending when step is called the co-simulation will expect the instruction checked by step to be the first instruction of the debug handler.

Interrupts and Debug Requests

The DV environment must observe any incoming interrupts and debug requests generated by the testbench and notify the co-simulation system of them using set_mip, set_debug_req and set_nmi. An interrupt or debug request will take immediate effect at the next step (if architecturally required to do so). The DV environment is responsible for determining when to call set_mip, set_debug_req and set_nmi to ensure a RTL and co-simulation match.

The state of the incoming interrupts and debug request is sampled when an instruction moves from IF to ID/EX. The sampled state is tracked with the rest of the RVFI pipeline and used to call set_mip, set_debug_req and set_nmi when the instruction is output by the RVFI. See the comments in rtl/, around the new_debug_req, new_nmi and new_irq signals for further details.

Memory Access Checking and Bus Errors

The co-simulation system must be informed of all Dside accesses performed by the RTL using notify_dside_access. See dv/cosim/cosim.h for further details. As Ibex doesn’t perform speculative Dside memory accesses, all notified accesses are expected to match with accesses performed by the ISS in the same order they are notified.

Accesses notified via notify_dside_access can specify they saw an error response, the co-simulation system will produce the appropriate trap when the ISS attempts to access the address that saw the error.

Accesses must be notified before they occur in the ISS for the access matching and trapping on errors to work.

Iside accesses from Ibex can be speculative, so there is no simple link between accesses produced by the RTL and the accesses performed by the ISS for the Iside. This means no direct checking of Iside accesses is done, however errors on the Iside accesses that result in an instruction fault trap need to be notified to the co-simulation system. set_iside_error does this, it is provided with the address that saw the bus error and it should be called immediately before the step that will process the trap. The co-simulation system will produce an instruction fault trap if it attempts to access the provided error address in the step call following the set_iside_error call.

Two methods are available for dealing with bus errors on the Iside, they differ in where they probe. One probes on the external instr_X memory interface, the other probes internally within the IF stage. The probe used is selected by the probe_imem_for_err field of the core_cve2_cosim_cfg structure. When set external probing is used, otherwise internal probing is used.

Both probe points look for addresses that have seen bus errors. If an instruction entering ID/EX fetches from an address that has seen a bus error (as recorded by one of the probing methods) its rvfi_order_id is recorded. When a faulting instruction is reported on the RVFI and its rvfi_order_id matches a recorded faulting one set_iside_error is called with the faulting address before the next step.

The external interface probe should be used when it is guaranteed that a bus error to address A on the external interface results in a fetch error the next time an instruction with address A is observed entering the ID/EX stage (providing no successful access to A has occurred in the mean time). Otherwise the internal probe should be used. When Ibex is used with the prefetch buffer this guarantee holds and the external probe can be used. When Ibex is used with the instruction cache this guarantee does not hold and the internal probe must be used.

Care should be taken when using the internal probe as it will miss any bug that causes instruction faults to be ignored by the prefetch buffer or ICache (or whatever else has been used in place of these by a custom implementation). In the case of the Ibex ICache a separate testbench ensures instruction faults are dealt with appropriately within the ICache.