CORE-V Cores User Manuals

CORE-V is a family of open-source RISC-V processor cores created and maintained by open-source developers from around the world who collaborate within the OpenHW Group ecosystem. As shown in the CORE-V roadmap below, there are several cores under active development.

CVE4 Series

RTL Frozen Cores

(Released) CORE-V CV32E40Pv1 User Manual.

`(v1.8.3) CORE-V CV32E40Pv2 User Manual <`_.

RTL In Development

(Draft) CORE-V CV32E40S User Manual.

(Draft) CORE-V CV32E40X User Manual.

CVA6 Series

RTL In Development

(Draft) CORE-V CVA6 User Manual.

CVE2 Series

RTL In Development

(Draft) CORE-V CVE2 User Manual.