Design Documentation for CV32A65X architecture

Editor: Jean Roch Coulon

1. Introduction

The OpenHW Group uses semantic versioning to describe the release status of its IP. This document describes the CV32A65X configuration version of CVA6. This intends to be the first formal release of CVA6.

CVA6 is a 6-stage in-order and single issue processor core which implements the RISC-V instruction set. CVA6 can be configured as a 32- or 64-bit core (RV32 or RV64), called CV32A6 or CV64A6.

The objective of this document is to provide enough information to allow the RTL modification (by designers) and the RTL verification (by verificators). This document is not dedicated to CVA6 users looking for information to develop software like instructions or registers.

The CVA6 architecture is illustrated in the following figure.