CVA6 User Manual
- OpenHW Group CVA6 User Manual
- Introduction
- Programmer’s View
- Custom RISC-V instructions
- Traps, Interrupts, Exceptions
- Compiler command lines
- CVA6 RISC-V Instructions
- RV32I
- RV32M
- RV32A
- RV32C
- RV32Zcb
- RVZcmp
- RVZba
- RVZbb
- RVZbc
- RVZbs
- RVZicsr
- RVZifencei
- RVZicond
- CV32A60X CSR List
- CV32A60X CSR Details
- Unimplemented CSR accessing generates an illegal instruction exception.
- Read-Only CSR write access generates an illegal instruction exception.
- MSTATUS:Machine Status Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h300
- Description:
- MISA:Machine ISA Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h301
- Description:
- MIE:Machine Interrupt Enable Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h304
- Description:
- MTVEC:Machine Trap Vector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h305
- Description:
- MSTATUSH:Upper 32-bits of Machine Status Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h310
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT3:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h323
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT4:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h324
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT5:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h325
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT6:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h326
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT7:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h327
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT8:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h328
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT9:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h329
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT10:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32a
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT11:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32b
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT12:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32c
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT13:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32d
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT14:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32e
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT15:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h32f
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT16:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h330
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT17:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h331
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT18:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h332
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT19:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h333
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT20:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h334
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT21:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h335
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT22:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h336
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT23:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h337
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT24:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h338
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT25:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h339
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT26:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33a
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT27:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33b
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT28:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33c
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT29:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33d
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT30:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33e
- Description:
- MHPMEVENT31:Machine Hardware Performance-Monitoring Event Selector Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h33f
- Description:
- MSCRATCH:Machine Scratch Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h340
- Description:
- MEPC:Machine Exception Program Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h341
- Description:
- MCAUSE:Machine Cause Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h342
- Description:
- MTVAL:Machine Trap Value Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h343
- Description:
- MIP:Machine Interrupt Pending Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h344
- Description:
- PMPCFG0:Physical Memory Protection Config 0 Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3a0
- Description:
- PMPCFG1:Physical Memory Protection Config 1 Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3a1
- Description:
- PMPCFG2:Physical Memory Protection Config 2 Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3a2
- Description:
- PMPCFG3:Physical Memory Protection Config 3 Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3a3
- Description:
- PMPADDR0:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b0
- Description:
- PMPADDR1:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b1
- Description:
- PMPADDR2:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b2
- Description:
- PMPADDR3:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b3
- Description:
- PMPADDR4:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b4
- Description:
- PMPADDR5:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b5
- Description:
- PMPADDR6:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b6
- Description:
- PMPADDR7:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b7
- Description:
- PMPADDR8:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b8
- Description:
- PMPADDR9:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3b9
- Description:
- PMPADDR10:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3ba
- Description:
- PMPADDR11:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3bb
- Description:
- PMPADDR12:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3bc
- Description:
- PMPADDR13:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3bd
- Description:
- PMPADDR14:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3be
- Description:
- PMPADDR15:Physical Memory Protection Address Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h3bf
- Description:
- ICACHE:Instruction Cache Register
- AddressOffset: ‘h7C0
- Description:
- MCYCLE:M-mode Cycle counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hB00
- Description:
- MINSTRET:Machine Instruction Retired counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hB02
- Description:
- MCYCLEH:Upper 32-bits of M-mode Cycle counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hB80
- Description:
- MINSTRETH:Upper 32-bits of Machine Instruction Retired counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hB82
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER3:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb03
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER4:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb04
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER5:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb05
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER6:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb06
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER7:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb07
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER8:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb08
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER9:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb09
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER10:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0a
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER11:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0b
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER12:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0c
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER13:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0d
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER14:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0e
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER15:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb0f
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER16:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb10
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER17:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb11
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER18:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb12
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER19:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb13
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER20:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb14
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER21:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb15
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER22:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb16
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER23:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb17
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER24:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb18
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER25:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb19
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER26:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1a
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER27:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1b
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER28:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1c
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER29:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1d
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER30:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1e
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTER31:Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb1f
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH3:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb83
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH4:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb84
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH5:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb85
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH6:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb86
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH7:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb87
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH8:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb88
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH9:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb89
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH10:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8a
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH11:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8b
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH12:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8c
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH13:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8d
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH14:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8e
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH15:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb8f
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH16:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb90
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH17:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb91
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH18:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb92
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH19:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb93
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH20:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb94
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH21:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb95
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH22:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb96
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH23:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb97
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH24:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb98
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH25:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb99
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH26:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9a
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH27:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9b
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH28:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9c
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH29:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9d
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH30:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9e
- Description:
- MHPMCOUNTERH31:Upper 32 bits of Machine Hardware Performance Monitoring Counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hb9f
- Description:
- CYCLE:Cycle counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hC00
- Description:
- INSTRET:Instruction Retired counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hC02
- Description:
- CYCLEH:Upper 32-bits of Cycle counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hC80
- Description:
- INSTRETH:Upper 32-bits of Instruction Retired counter Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hC82
- Description:
- MVENDORID:Machine Vendor ID Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hF11
- Description:
- MARCHID:Machine Architecture ID Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hF12
- Description:
- MIMPID:Machine Implementation ID Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hF13
- Description:
- MHARTID:Machine Hardware Thread ID Register
- AddressOffset: ‘hF14
- Description:
- CV32A60AX CSR List
- CV32A60AX CSR Details
- CV64A6_MMU CSR List
- CV64A6_MMU CSR Details
- CV64A6 CSR
- CSR cache control
- CSR Performance Counters
- Parameters and Configuration
- Interfaces
- AXI Bus Interface
- CV-X-IF Interface
- Core Integration