Applicability of this chapter to configurations:




Implemented extension


Implemented extension

RVZbs: Single-bit instructions

The single-bit instructions provide a mechanism to set, clear, invert, or extract a single bit in a register. The bit is specified by its index.

The following instructions (and pseudoinstructions) comprise the Zbs extension:




bclr rd, rs1, rs2

bclri rd, rs1, imm

bext rd, rs1, rs2

bexti rd, rs1, imm

binv rd, rs1, rs2

binvi rd, rs1, imm

bset rd, rs1, rs2

bseti rd, rs1, imm

RV32 and RV64 Instructions

  • BCLR: Single-Bit Clear (Register)

    Format: bclr rd, rs1, rs2

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit cleared at the index specified in rs2. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of rs2.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) & ~(1 << (X(rs2) & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BCLRI: Single-Bit Clear (Immediate)

    Format: bclri rd, rs1, shamt

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit cleared at the index specified in shamt. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of shamt. For RV32, the encodings corresponding to shamt[5]=1 are reserved.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) & ~(1 << (shamt & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BEXT: Single-Bit Extract (Register)

    Format: bext rd, rs1, rs2

    Description: This instruction returns a single bit extracted from rs1 at the index specified in rs2. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of rs2.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = (X(rs1) >> (X(rs2) & (XLEN - 1))) & 1

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BEXTI: Single-Bit Extract (Immediate)

    Format: bexti rd, rs1, shamt

    Description: This instruction returns a single bit extracted from rs1 at the index specified in rs2. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of shamt. For RV32, the encodings corresponding to shamt[5]=1 are reserved.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = (X(rs1) >> (shamt & (XLEN - 1))) & 1

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BINV: Single-Bit Invert (Register)

    Format: binv rd, rs1, rs2

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit inverted at the index specified in rs2. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of rs2.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) ^ (1 << (X(rs2) & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BINVI: Single-Bit Invert (Immediate)

    Format: binvi rd, rs1, shamt

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit inverted at the index specified in shamt. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of shamt. For RV32, the encodings corresponding to shamt[5]=1 are reserved.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) ^ (1 << (shamt & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BSET: Single-Bit Set (Register)

    Format: bset rd, rs1, rs2

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit set at the index specified in rs2. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of rs2.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) | (1 << (X(rs2) & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE

  • BSETI: Single-Bit Set (Immediate)

    Format: bseti rd, rs1, shamt

    Description: This instruction returns rs1 with a single bit set at the index specified in shamt. The index is read from the lower log2(XLEN) bits of shamt. For RV32, the encodings corresponding to shamt[5]=1 are reserved.

    Pseudocode: X(rd) = X(rs1) | (1 << (shamt & (XLEN - 1)))

    Invalid values: NONE

    Exception raised: NONE